carrd made by @positivityiouis on twitter !!
click here!
welcome to the louis comfort carrd. this is carrd full of louis-related things to make you feel at home. stay here for as long as you want, and you're always welcome back <3
click on any of the above pictures to start
(this carrd will be constantly updated)
# louis videos to make you smile :D
try not to smile; louis edition
louis' voice with a fireplace in the background
louis' voice acapella with rain
louis being louis for 12 minutes straight
# louis spotify playlists to remind you of him/to listen to his voice :D
every louis tomlinson song but it's in a specific order
louis tomlinson world domination
# louis threads to make you smile
louis asking people for cuddles
louis hugging louies
louis loving muslim louies
louis being pretty
walls by louis as cats
louis being supportive of the lgbtq+ community
louis saying lgbtq+ rights
louis saying lgbtq+ rights part 2
# gallery
louis loves you
louis is proud of you
louis thinks you're valid
louis thinks you're amazing
louis thinks you've done amazing today
louis wants to give you a cuddle
(gif is clickable!)